"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes." Marcel Proust

Namaste and Welcome! My name is McDowell Graham. I am the creator of Cracks in Consciousness, Where The World Is More Than We Know. My calling in service to others is to help people see themselves and their place in the world with new eyes.

Each of us interacts with the world from our own unique perspective. This interaction is built up of all our past and present experiences and dictates how we approach new situations and encounters. Our current thoughts and beliefs can limit our ability to see our present circumstances in new ways and imagine new horizons. To be able to get from where we are to where we want to be, we need to have some understanding of how we perceive our world and our place in that world.

Moving to a place of illumination starts with gaining clarity and insight about where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you’re heading.

Which is all well and good – but how exactly do you do that?

Personal exploration is the key!

I’ve developed a powerful and proven three-step process called Examine Envision Emerge that will help you get started on this journey of a lifetime! You’ll learn how to examine your current thought patterns and belief systems; envision what you want to have, be, or do in your life; and chart a new course to emerge into the light of a brighter future.

You’ll open your own “cracks in consciousness” to help you consider whether doing things the old way, or because it’s how others have found success, is the best path for you to find your direction and purpose. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift in perspective, an opening of the mind, or an intentional pause and reset to begin to see new possibilities. 

Each step in this process is described in detail on the Examine Envision Emerge page. If you’re eager to set sail on this part of your voyage of discovery (and if you’d like to know how this process literally rescued me), I encourage you to head over there now!

At the heart of my business is a healing modality called Therapeutic Storytelling. I use books, webinars, blogs, and videos to tell my stories; share the stories of others who have joined me on the voyage of discovery; and provide a roadmap to anyone who wants to incorporate the power of the Examine Envision Emerge process into their daily lives. If you want to learn more about Therapeutic Storytelling, and how you can purchase my books, sign up for my webinars, read my blogs, and watch my videos, go to the Therapeutic Storytelling page.

In addition, I’ve developed smart, easy-to-use tools and tangible takeaways to help guide you on this journey and enable you to expand your understanding of yourself and your world. Ready to cast off? Take a look at What I Offer for details.

And Welcome to the Journey of a Lifetime!

How May I Help You?

Eager to crack open your consciousness? Click the buttons below and begin your voyage of discovery today!
My Story

Want to discover more about my background and the three reasons why I know I can help you (plus, you’ll see why my dog thinks I’m too dandy for words)? Take a look!

What I Offer

From books, blogs, and videos to fun-filled webinars, I've developed a variety of affordable, smart, easy-to-use tools and tangible takeaways that will enable you to expand your understanding of yourself and your world. Wander at will!

Contact Me

Ready to cast off? Want to schedule a free initial consultation or request more information? Jump over to the Contact Me tab and let's chat!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

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