My Examine Envision Emerge Webinars
Want to join other like-minded personal exploration adventurers in a live online setting? The focus of my webinars is on showing people how they can put the power of my three-step process, Examine Envision Emerge, into practice and turn thought into action!
Each class is comprised of fun-filled, interactive exercises; eye-opening feedback, insights, and guidance from fellow students; tangible takeaways; and easy-to-use strategies for continuing to move forward long after the event is over!
I offer both free and ticketed webinars. I host one webinar via Zoom each month.
Interested in the webinars I currently have planned for 2023? Jump over to the 2023 Events page. A detailed description of each webinar is available, plus you can register for the webinar and purchase tickets. Following the webinar, you’re also receive a copy of the slides and other handouts in pdf format.