Evaluating Your Change Readiness: Secrets to Successfully Handling Anything Life Throws at You!
If you truly want to change your life, you must first be willing to change your mind. Donald Altman
Most people don’t like change. For many of us, change can be difficult or uncomfortable. This is true regardless of whether the change is forced upon us, planned, unexpected, or self-created. Why? Because we are giving up familiarity in exchange for the unfamiliar and unknown.
Some people certainly seem to handle change better than others. Most of us know at least one person who has successfully made a major change in their lives such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or walking away from their “Sure Thing” job. Then there are the others—and maybe you count yourself among these people —who give up the minute it gets tough.
The secret to success lies in taking an honest look at how ready we really are to make those changes.
The purpose of this webinar is to help you evaluate your “change readiness.” Here are a few of the questions we’ll be exploring:
- How does the thought of change make me feel?
- How do I feel, act, or respond when something changes in my life?
- How do I feel, act, or respond when faced with the possibility of change or even thinking about initiating a change?
Destination: Reinvention! Defining What You Want To Have, Be, Do, or Change In Your Life
The clearer your vision of what you seek, the closer you are to finding it. Richard Nelson Bolles
It’s a new year – and a clean slate. Looking back over the previous year, if you could change one thing, what would it be? And where do you see yourself at the end of this year?
A sense of purpose is essential to success and effectiveness. Those without a clear idea of what they are doing and why will not have the foundation to keep going in the face of change.
This webinar will help you define your “reinvention destination”: what you want to have, be, do, or change in your life. You will learn how to articulate what you desire in order to ensure that your vision is focused, specific, and stated in such a way as to achieve positive changes in your life. Some of the questions we will explore are:
- What do I want to reinvent in my life?
- Why have I chosen this reinvention vision?
- What will my life look like if I reach my reinvention destination?
We’ll also look at one of the most powerful tools you can use to articulate your vision: The Vision Board. Making a Vision Board compels you to describe your vision; when you identify the images, words, and phrases you would like to have on it, you are signifying that you have chosen the direction of your future life.
The Answers Are Within: Identifying Our Needs and Wants
To get what you want out of life, you’d better be clear about what you want. Ernie J. Zelinski
When was the last time you asked yourself, “What do I truly need? And what do I really want?”
Regardless of what your present circumstances are or what you want to have, be, or do in the future, it will be much easier to show up and do the work when you know that what you are working towards meets a need or want.
This webinar will help you gain clarity on your needs and wants, which will enable you to make more meaningful choices and take consistent action. We will define the difference between a need and a want; identify what you truly need and want your life to include; and explore what you’re willing and not willing to do to meet your needs and wants.
Overcoming Passenger Mode: How to Stop Going Along for the Ride and Get Back in the Driver’s Seat
Each of us, at one time or another, has been in what I call “passenger mode.” Passenger mode occurs whenever we allow someone else to do something for us that we pay silent witness to. This means we are aware of something that someone else is doing, but that’s about all. We haven’t given it much thought. It can be anything, from unclogging a toilet, changing a tire, doing minor repairs around the house, to driving the kids to school or the dogs to doggy daycare.
There’s nothing inherently good or bad about being in passenger mode. We don’t need to know how to do everything that comprises our daily lives.
But then one day, usually without warning, that one thing that we haven’t had to do, and never thought we’d ever need to know how to do, suddenly appears, and now we find ourselves having to do it, wanting to do it, or needing to find someone who can do it for us. And for most of us, we don’t discover this until something happens in our lives that forces us to think about it very quickly.
The key to getting back in the driver’s seat is to identify what you do know and what you don’t know before you have to know it! And you can’t know what those things are until you take inventory of everything in your life that someone else does for you, but that someday you might need or want to know how to do yourself.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how to identify everything that someone else does for you; decide which of those things you need to learn, want to learn, or never need or want to learn; and develop an action plan for everything on your list.
Finding Your Soul’s True North: Creating a Life Navigation Chart
“You can always correct your course, but the sooner you are aware that you are off the path, the better and more satisfying your journey will be.” Abraham Hicks
The Life Navigation Chart is a visual encapsulation of how you interact and engage with the world and with others, and, most importantly, the results and outcomes of those interactions and engagements. The chart represents the encounters, situations, and relationships you’ve experienced in your life, and your responses and behaviors integral to these experiences.
As you create your chart, you’ll focus on the experiences of any significance that have the potential to teach you about yourself and your deeply held views. Ultimately, the goal is to identify repeated patterns of behavior in order to make a conscious effort to change the way you interact with others and the world around you. During this process, you will become truly awake to your own thoughts and behaviors, and you will be able to recognize when you might be slipping into old habits.
Most importantly, you’ll feel empowered, not victimized; become free of your bonds to painful experiences, situations, relationships, or events; and your future will no longer be charted by your past.
During this webinar, you will be searching for your repeated patterns of behavior and the results of those behaviors. You’ll learn to clarify what you want to improve; determine why you want to improve it; outline what your new outcome will be; and make any “navigational course corrections” in order to reach your reinvention destination.
Faith and Trust and Pixie Dust: Why We Doubt and Why We Believe
“People are disturbed, not by things, but by the view they take of them.” Epictetus
We push a button, and the TV comes on. We trust it will come on. We might not understand the science of airwaves and sound, but we believe in the magic of television. Nor do we wonder whether the sun will rise. We just assume with confidence and without question that it will.
Then why don’t we believe in our own magic, our own sure knowing? Why do we doubt?
Doubt is a common experience for everyone. We all have moments when we doubt our perceptions, our beliefs, what we see, feel, know. Most of the world lives in a mind existence – I won’t believe it until I see it! – so believing and trusting in something that isn’t tangible is hard for many of us to do.
Then there are those people who are believers by nature. For them, beliefs are the guiding principles that provide direction and meaning in life.
And yet the reasons we believe in any one thing are essentially the same reasons why we doubt. Both doubt and belief are in fact self-created filters; both originate from what we hear and keep on hearing from others. In addition, culture, habit, upbringing, religious or superstitious practices, history, and accustomed pessimism are all powerful factors that underlie and inform why we doubt or why we believe.
During this webinar, we’ll look at how both doubt and belief impact our perception of the world around us as well as how we navigate our daily lives as a result of that perception.
Harnessing the Power of Possibilities
No matter how qualified or deserving we are, we will never reach a better life until we can imagine it for ourselves and allow ourselves to have it. Richard Bach
The decisions we make and the actions we take throughout our lives are usually based on our thoughts and beliefs about our present circumstances as well as our past experiences. You did this, and this happened. You didn’t do that, and that happened. Over time, this becomes the “criteria” we use to make future decisions.
Now ask yourself this: When was the last time you found yourself at a crossroads or had to make a major, possibly life-changing decision – and you ended up doing something based on what you thought you COULDN’T do in a million years, not on what you MIGHT do? Did you make the decision or take an action based on limiting beliefs? What was the outcome and how did it feel?
Now, ask yourself this: How would it feel if you made a decision based on EVERYTHING that MIGHT be possible? If you didn’t worry about the outcome, what would you let yourself consider? What options might you have? What choices or decisions would you make?
Challenging the “not in a million years” approach to living our lives is a golden opportunity to make some fundamental changes in our lives. It can mark a turning point in how we live our lives.
In this webinar, we’ll explore the three most important keys to harnessing the power of possibilities:
- Giving yourself permission to look at alternatives.
- Recognizing that there are always options.
- Releasing any limiting thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from what you want to have, be, do, or change in your life..
Feeling The Fear and Doing It Anyway
“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power. You are free.” Jim Morrison
How would you finish this statement: “If not for fear, I would”?
Fear, whether real or imagined, is one of the primary reasons that people don’t reevaluate their lives or allow themselves to take steps to change their present circumstances.
Of course, some of our fears have basic survival value. Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger; if we didn’t feel it, we couldn’t protect ourselves from legitimate threats. But often we fear situations that are far from life-or-death and thus take no action for no (seemingly) good reason.
The thing about fear is that it often leaves us feeling emotionally paralyzed. We are unable to act quickly or decisively or, in some cases, even think clearly. Yet, action and clear-headedness are essential to handling our fear successfully.
During this webinar, you will learn to see any obstacle, challenge, or roadblock differently so you can fearlessly address it now while you are in a place of peace and power.
Fix it or Forget It: Tips, Tricks, and Traps to Successful Goal Planning
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it.” W.C. Fields
Make no mistake – we live in a “Just Do It” culture. Since Nike first rolled out the slogan in 1988, it’s amazing to see how these three words have inspired people, not just to better themselves in sports, but to better all aspects of their lives. From starting over to moving on, from fixing a broken window to fixing a broken relationship, “Just Do It” is, first and foremost, a call to action.
But how do we reconcile our lack of motivation, our inability to get started or keep going with the pressure we put on ourselves and others to Just Do It?
The simple fact is – we don’t. Because not everything needs to be fixed!
In this webinar, we’ll look at the most common reasons why we don’t start, can’t keep going, or finally finish. We’ll also look at how to identify the things that need fixing – and how to happily leave the rest!
Overcoming the Ready-Aim-Aim-Aim Syndrome: How to Turn Good Intentions into Positive Action
You’ll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Irish Proverb
We all know that setting goals – knowing where you want to be and what you want to achieve – is key to success, whether your goal is finding financial prosperity, maintaining a healthier lifestyle, or getting a new job. And we know that it’s equally important to have a plan and establish benchmarks along the way so that we can measure progress and stay motivated.
However, all that goal setting and planning and progress measuring won’t amount to much if you can’t – or won’t – take the first step, find the motivation to take the next step, and then develop momentum to keep taking all the next steps after that.
The unfortunate truth is that most people aren’t taking consistent action towards their goals. At some point, their resolve breaks down, and their good intentions go by the wayside. They run into an unexpected challenge or self-sabotaging behavior. In the end, they’re stuck in what T. Boone Pickens called the “Ready Aim Aim Aim Syndrome,” struggling to start and then stick to anything longer than a few days, weeks, or months.
Well, take heart – there’s a fix for that!
During this webinar, we’ll discuss how to get clear on the goals you want to achieve; break down those goals into manageable, actionable steps; identify skills, practices, and sustainable daily actions for achieving your goals; and uncover the obstacles keeping you from making progress and moving you closer to your goal..
Acknowledging A-Ha Moments, Wake-Up Calls, and Crossroads
“You can always correct your course, but the sooner you are aware that you are off the path, the better and more satisfying your journey will be.” Esther and Jerry Hicks
An A-ha moment is an epiphany, which translates as “striking appearance.” In that moment, a previously unsolvable problem becomes suddenly clear and obvious; the person experiencing the A-ha moment is convinced that a solution, a concept, or a new thought or belief is true. For most of us, our lives are filled with A-ha moments. But those moments too often are ignored.
And where do these A-ha moments often occur? When we reach a crossroads in our life, and we must take action: turn left instead of right; take the shady path rather than the sunny one; attempt the uphill climb rather than the downhill stroll. Otherwise, we come to a standstill.
So, how do you take the first step?
During this webinar, you will learn how to:
- Identify any A-ha moments or wake-up calls that you are experiencing – or possibly ignoring.
- Recognize when you’re at a crossroads – and realizing that an action is required if you are to keep moving forward.
- Heed that call to action – and determine whether you’d better do something about it..
Stop, Look, and Listen: Synchronicity, Signs, and Signposts
“Some things have to be believed to be seen.” Madeleine L’Engle
As we navigate our daily lives, we will often be presented with signs, opportunities, and experiences, from whimsical to insightful to life-changing, that are designed to keep us on the path. However, too often they go unnoticed, because we have not learned to watch for them and to believe them to be meaningful.
And you don’t need oracle cards or a crystal ball or a magic wand to learn to see the signposts along the way. You just need to notice what’s right in front of you and take a leap of faith that what you’re seeing is being presented to you and you alone for a reason. And then, if you choose, you can take action based on what the sign means for you.
Developing awareness and willingness takes practice, mindfulness, and a willingness to see. In this webinar, you will:
- Discover what signs and signposts capture your attention – and why.
- Experience how to use “drive-by intuition” to see the signs and signposts that are important, meaningful – and intended just for you.